
picture of pro daca sign


DACA is currently still an active program, but it has been challenged.

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Capitol hill


Every day pro and anti-immigration bills are being proposed. . 

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picture of immigrants at a convention

Where immigrants come from and where they go after reaching the US

The US is home to more immigrants than any other country – more than 45 million people, according to the latest Census estimates. That’s 13.6% of the US population, about the same as it was a century ago. But over the years, we’ve seen significant shifts in where immigrants to the US come from, and where they end up once they get here. Here’s a look at these key immigration trends and how they’ve changed over time.

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Ice Detention

Immigration and Customs Enforcement held 25,753 in ICE detention according to data current as of April 9, 2023. 14,884 out of 25,753—or 57.8%—held in ICE detention have no criminal record, according to data current as of April 9, 2023. Many more have only minor offenses, including traffic violations.

pie chart from pew showing statistics

Majority of immigrants are Lawful

Nobody is illegal. The majority of immigrants in the US are lawful residents to begin with.

picture of katya

Katya Echazarreta

Katya is an inpiration for all. Learn all about her incredible story.

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The Test

Only one in three Americans (36 percent) can actually pass a multiple choice test consisting of items taken from the U.S. Citizenship Test

illustrated video thumbnail showing generations of immigrants

Growth, Cities, and Immigration

A quick and insighful video detailing  immigrations effect on the USA. 

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AOC and many other pro immigrant workers

The Path to Citizenship 

The path to citizenship is a long and complex process, and there may be additional requirements or steps depending on an individual's specific circumstances. It is important to seek guidance from a qualified immigration attorney or a reputable immigration organization for assistance with navigating the process. We are here to help.

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