AI Scams 



Scams using AI are a relatively new form of scaming. It revolves around AI Voice Recreation. Using clips of  ones  voice  you can mimic someone saying things they didn't. This has been used in multiple ways through enhancing meme culture with the AI Presidents memes however they can also be used to harm. Lately scammers have been using it to trick people into thinking loved ones are in danger. Scaming them into sending them money or important information.                      

  • - The AI presidents meme has recenty swept the internet and brought with it many comedic moments  
  • - Scammers have started using AI to mimic voices and use it to trick people into giving them stuff
  • -AI will keep evolving and scammers will keep getting craftier with how they use it
  • -Help us fight back and create a better world.

AI is Evolving  

In Recent years we have seen AI evolve now AI which was once nothing more than Science-Fiction is now real and able to produce art in seconds, mostly coherent stories and now even mimic real voices with ease.             

          It is not too late            

With just a little help we can put an end to AI scamming once and for all. 

The Usefulness of AI 

AI can be used for good and entertainment, not all AI is bad much like humanity there's good and bad in AI we can use it for good and not evil. 

anonymous tip line
  • AI-Scam