Florida's Everglades Restorations

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The Everglades

Florida's watershed, and host to a massive ecosystem of endagered species nestled comfortably in the south of the state. This ecosystem is under attack, a combination of plastic pollution, illegal dumping, overfishing, and the introduction of invasive species is causing harm to the animals that call it home.

Additionally, the Everglades harbor the majority of Florida's coastal mangroves, which offers a protective barrier around the landmass that has diminished or even nullified the effect of Hurricane erosion and damage all around the coast for hundreds of years.

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How to help

More than anything now, national parks and other conservationist efforts need volunteers, the absolute best way to help is to and visit some volunteering events or meetings to get an idea of how you can help protect our largest national park.

These efforts are also solely funded by tax dollars and donations from citizens, any possible donation is a big help, and can go a long way in the efforts to protect the ecosytem and its animals.