Legalizing Marijuana on a Federal Scale

How federally legalizing cannabis can benefit you

In recent years, legal cannabis has been on the rise in the US. States everywhere are beginning to legalize it on the local scale by permitting the use of it medicinally, or in some cases, recreationally. States with such laws have seen a decrease in prison population from drug charges. States have also reported that in the few years that cannabis has been commercialized, the economy has seen obvious increases in revenue from the taxation on cannabis.

There are a many benefits to federally legalizing cannabis in the US. From the economical benefits mentioned above, to the many medicinal uses and calming effects it has on the body. By legalizing cannabis, it will allow further research to be done on cannabis based treatments and cures. It will allow safer regulation and distribution of controlled amounts. Explore further on the next page to see common misconceptions about cannabis, data, and why federally legalizing cannabis can benefit everyone.