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Save Our Sharks

Shark Finning is Cruel Inhumane environmentally harmful

Our Mission

What is Shark Finning?

Shark Finning is the gruesome practice of cutting off a live shark's fins and throwing the rest of the animal back into the sea, where it dies a slow and painful death. The fins are used in China and Hong Kong, and by Chinese communities elsewhere in the world, as the key ingredient in shark-fin soup.

Edgar the tiger shark



lucy the Great White Shark


Great White

Many people fear sharks and don't care whether they survive or not. But, ecologically, as top predators their disappearance will disrupt entire ocean ecosystems. Economically, they are worth more alive than dead - in contrast to the short-lived profits of shark finning, shark diving has become a sustainable, multi-million pound business.

Despite progress, shark-fin soup is still a long way from being relegated to history. Also, a new problem has arisen: fishermen are switching to shark meat and creating new appetites for a product that wasn't popular before. In many countries trade in shark meat has grown exponentially - so finning bans alone aren't enough to reduce the number of sharks being killed. A new approach is clearly needed. That is what we are striving to find and implement into the world, but we can not do it alone.

Above are some of the sharks we have in our care and were able to save after being finned, learn more about their stories and how you can help.

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Benefits Week/ly $5 Month/ly $15 Year/ly $120
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Upcoming Events

Dec 2023
Christmas Clean up

We are going to go to Coco Plum Beach to do a Chrsitmas themed beach clean up, to give back to the Ocean life this Holiday Season!


Coco Plum Beach, Marathon, FL

Register online so we make sure to have enough gear

Jan 2024
New year, new sharks, same mission

Going into the new year we have the same goal to help save and protect our sharks. Join us in welcoming our new rescue shark and learning our our oorginizations goals for plan for this year!


SaveOurSharks Lab, Marathon, FL

Reserve your spot before the Lab fills up

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