What we do

To bring awareness and help for those who have ADHD

We are dedicated to raising awareness about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and providing valuable resources for those impacted by this neurodevelopmental disorder. Our goal is to educate, support, and empower individuals with ADHD, as well as their families, teachers, and caregivers.

Our Mission

to spread awareness and understanding about ADHD.

  • ADHD in adults
  • ADHD in children

Chun Li

CEO of ADHDmatters

Chun Li is a highly driven and dedicated individual, serving as the CEO of ADHDmatters. With a passion for making a positive impact on individuals with ADHD, Chun has worked tirelessly to create innovative strategies and solutions to address the challenges faced by this community.

Armed with a deep understanding of ADHD and its implications, Chun has successfully led ADHDmatters to become a leading provider of resources, support, and advocacy for those affected by ADHD. With a firm belief in the power of education and awareness, Chun's charisma and leadership have helped raise public understanding of ADHD, while ensuring that ADHDmatters remains at the forefront of ADHD-related initiatives.

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Symptoms of ADHD

Lack of attention

Individuals with ADHD often struggle with paying attention and staying focused on tasks or activities, especially those that are repetitive or require sustained mental effort. They may have difficulty following instructions, organizing tasks, and completing assignments or chores.

Affects: 90% of people with ADHD

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Hyperactivity is characterized by excessive and impulsive physical movement. People with ADHD may exhibit restless behavior, such as fidgeting, squirming, or frequently leaving their seat when expected to remain seated.excessive talking, Constantly on the go.

Affects: 50% of people with ADHD

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Poor time Management

Difficulty following through on tasks, frequently losing or misplacing belongings, inability to prioritize or manage time effectively. Frequently forgetting appointments or obligations, easily distracted by external stimuli, difficulty staying focused on tasks or conversations.

Affects: 100% of people with ADHD

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Become a volunteer today

About Volunteering

As a volunteer, you play a crucial role in creating a more inclusive and understanding society for those with ADHD.

Latest News

October 12, 2036

By Admin


Join us as we go from colleges all around the US to make students aware of ADHD, and how to combat it's effects on studying and focus.

October 20, 2036

By Admin


ADHD matters is proud to annouce that we now have group therapy for those suffering with ADHD.





ADHD doesn't have to be a nuisiance

Get in touch

Clara Barton

HR & Office Manager

Contact Infomation

West palm beach Fl, 33423



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Or, you can just send an email: ADHDmatters@helpinghands.gov