
The Main Causes Of Runoff Pollution

Runoff pollution occurs when runoff, typically rainwater, carries contaminents from non-permeable surfaces into bodies of water. Many things can be considered contaminants, such as debris, microplastics, fertilizer, and oil. The primary causes can vary from region to region.

Tractor, Gozha Net


Toxic chemicals found in pesticides and herbicides can be carried into ecosystems and damage their inhabitants. Nutrients from fertilizer can also upset the ecological balance.

Oil Spilled on Street, Arby Reed

Engine Oil

When oil is left on streets that do not have any drainage, rainfall will wash the collected debris into nearby water sources, harming humans, plants, and animals who rely on that source.

Plastic Trash, OCG


Improper waste disposal can lead to large pieces of garbage polluting aquatic ecosystems. Products that release microplastics also cause a significant amount of pollution in water sources.