Boys Cry Too

A big obstacle in men’s mental health awareness is the stigma. Men are stereotypicaly supposesd to be “strong,” and issues such as depression are viewed as signs of “weakness.”


However, this male mental health stigma is actually killing men.


Millions of Americans struggle with mental health issues.


The biggest difference in mens mental health are also less likely to seek treatment.

Why The Male Focus?

A big obstacle in men’s mental health awareness is the stigma. Guys are supposed to be “strong,” and issues such as depression are viewed as signs of “weakness.” However, this male mental health stigma is actually killing men. Millions of Americans struggle with mental health issues. The biggest difference in men vs women mental health issues is prevalence. Men typically have fewer mental health conditions and are also less likely to seek treatment.


The Stigma

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, in 2019, men died by suicide at a rate of 3.63 times higher than women. With over 6 million American men struggling with depression, it is crucial to know the signs of mental health struggles and end the stigma that stops men from getting help.

Types of Mental Health Conditions in Men

Mental health issues do not discriminate and affect both men and women. However, there are mental health conditions that men commonly struggle with. These mental health struggles include:

Bipolar Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Men’s Mental Health Awareness


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Men and women can both struggle with the same mental health disorder. However, due to certain factors, they can have different experiences. The male mental health stigma often causes men to ignore the symptoms of mental health issues. Thus, men’s mental health awareness is important. It encourages men to seek treatment and reduce the risk of suicide.

Common mental health symptoms in men include:

Aggressiveness, Anger, Irritability, Frustration, 
Substance abuse, Difficulty concentrating, 
A constant sense of worry, Engaging in risky behavior, Ignoring daily responsibilities, and Thoughts of suicide

Mental health disorders can also cause physical symptoms that men often ignore. These symptoms include:

Feeling sad, guilty, tearful, or empty, Losing interest in hobbies and fun activities, Changes in weight and appetite, Changes in sleep patterns, Agitation, Trouble concentrating, Angry outbursts, Avoiding family and social gatherings, Trouble managing responsibilities, Being a workaholic, Becoming controlling and abusive, Risky behaviors such as gambling, unsafe sex, driving under the influence, and Suicide attempts

How can you help

If you notice any of these signs in a love one or friend tell someone!

Click here for resources.

Seeking Treatment

A common difference in men vs. women and mental health is men are less likely to seek treatment. However, without professional help, mental health issues in men worsen and increase the risk of suicide. With treatment, men can learn to manage their symptoms and build healthy coping skills though. The most effective mental health treatment plans are personalized to an individual’s needs and may include the following.Psychotherapy is known as individual therapy or talk therapy. In psychotherapy, men work through issues and traumas that trigger their mental health disorders. Psychotherapists also help men change their negative thoughts and behaviors and learn healthy coping skills.Therapists use a variety of therapies which may include:Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyDialectical Behavioral TherapyEMDRFamily TherapyHolistic TherapiesSomatic Therapy

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