Where Democracy goes to Die

Recent actions in Florida have shown a trend for authoritarian leadership in the country. These actions are a troubling scenario of things to come if we don't do something.

The Problem

Florida has seen a series of controversies in recent years, which have caused concern among residents and officials. At the center of these controversies are policies and initiatives that threaten the very essence of democracy. From the "Don't say gay" bill to the banning of books and the defunding of diversity equity and inclusion initiatives, Florida's government has taken a series of steps that limit free speech and the open exchange of ideas.

In the case of the "Don't say gay" bill, Florida's government is limiting conversations about LGBTQ+ topics in the classroom, which undermines the rights of LGBTQ+ students and restricts their ability to learn about themselves and their peers. The banning of books and AP classes that touch on critical race theory and African American history is yet another example of how Florida's government is imposing its own ideology on its citizens, rather than promoting critical thinking and independent thought.

Perhaps the most troubling trend in Florida is the defunding of diversity equity and inclusion initiatives on college campuses. These initiatives are designed to create a more inclusive environment for all students, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. However, by defunding them, the state government is limiting the ability of universities to foster diverse perspectives and create a safe space for all students to learn and grow.

These policies and initiatives threaten the very fabric of democracy and the principles of free speech and open exchange of ideas. They are an attempt by the government to impose its own ideology on its citizens, rather than allowing for the free flow of ideas and critical thinking. By limiting the ability of individuals to express themselves and learn about different perspectives, Florida is creating a more homogenous and less diverse society, which is antithetical to the very principles of democracy.

In order to preserve democracy, it is essential that individuals speak out against these policies and initiatives. We must fight for the rights of all individuals to express themselves and learn about different perspectives, regardless of their background or beliefs. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and diverse society, which promotes the free exchange of ideas and fosters critical thinking. Only then can we truly achieve the ideals of democracy and ensure that Florida remains a state that values the rights of all its citizens.
Defunding Diversity Equity & Inclusion: Governor DeSantis' plans to defund diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives at Florida universities are just one example of his efforts to undermine the state's democracy. By cutting funding for programs that promote equity and inclusivity on campus and provide support for underrepresented students, DeSantis is perpetuating a divisive and exclusionary environment that could harm the state's diverse student population. DEI programs are essential for ensuring that all students have equal access to resources and support systems and eliminating them could have long-lasting negative consequences for Florida's democracy. It's important to speak out against this and other harmful policies that threaten to strip Florida of its commitment to diversity and inclusivity.
Florida Book & AP Classes Banning: The recent actions taken by Florida's government to ban books and remove classes such as AP African American History are alarming. As reported by various news sources, several schools in Florida have already removed books from their libraries, and there is confusion over how these book bans are being interpreted across the state. The government's attempt to censor information and restrict access to knowledge is a threat to education and democracy itself. In addition, Governor DeSantis has threatened to ban AP classes, which not only undermines the importance of critical thinking but also restricts students' access to rigorous and challenging coursework. This move is especially concerning as it targets African American studies, a subject that is essential in understanding the history and experiences of Black Americans. By limiting the conversation around these topics, the government is once again perpetuating discrimination and erasing the experiences of marginalized communities. It's essential to fight against these attempts to restrict access to information and promote education that is inclusive, accurate, and equitable for all students.

What YOU can do to help. 

As concerned citizens, it's important that we take action to protect the integrity of our democracy in Florida. One way to do this is by contacting your local representative and making it clear that you will only support candidates who value diversity, equity, and inclusion and reject attempts to limit free speech and critical thinking in our schools. Your voice can make a difference! Additionally, consider joining or starting a peaceful protest to raise awareness about the importance of these issues. Remember, standing up for democracy is a responsibility we all share, so let's work together to ensure that Florida remains a state that values equality and freedom for all.